Focus on What You Can Control During a Crisis

Focus on What You Can Control During a Crisis

COVID-19 is affecting employment, economic growth, markets, and our health. It’s scary and there’s a lot of anxiety out there, especially around finances. However, when we focus on the things we can control, it can help us get through this difficult time. Here is a list of things to consider with your finances as well as potential relief programs.

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6 Powerful Questions to Help You Get Unstuck

6 Powerful Questions to Help You Get Unstuck

We all get stuck from time-to-time. Sometimes we’re stuck for a week or a month, and other times we get stuck for years.  I see it with clients most often on financial and career moves. The way to get unstuck may seem counterintuitive: you must spend time thinking about the obstacles that can get in the way. Here are the 6 questions you can ask yourself to arrive at ways to acknowledge and remove the obstacles.

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How To Leverage Your Salary To Create A Better Work Life

How To Leverage Your Salary To Create A Better Work Life

When we reach a point where burn out and overwork are front and center in our work life, it’s time to make a change. However, there are lots of ways you can leverage your current salary to live a great life both now and in the future. It’s all about getting creative. In this article we provide some concrete ways you can start making a change and it probably won’t take as long as you think.

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How to Take A Sabbatical

Corporate life can be challenging. If you’re burnt out at work and struggling to figure out what your next steps will be, sometimes it’s best to take a pause. Thinking through your goals and good financial planning can help you successfully take a necessary break from work, also known as a sabbatical. Learn from my experience on some steps you can take today that will help make your sabbatical a successful experience.

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How Much Should You Donate To Charity?

How Much Should You Donate To Charity?

Many of us are charitably inclined and take pride in giving monthly or annually to charities. But have you ever thought about what percentage of income you are donating and why? Have you ever thought about aligning your charitable giving strategy with your overall budget and financial priorities?  Here are some ideas for how to figure out how much to give and how giving can actually impact your happiness levels.

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Hi, I’m Cady!  I help women and entrepreneurs dream big, find financial freedom, and navigate life changes 

You can reach me here.



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