by Cady North, CFP®, RLP® | Sep 16, 2015 | Entrepreneurship
A lot of people I meet tell me, “You’re so brave starting a financial advisory business. I don’t think I could do something on my own because it seems so risky.” Time consuming? Yes. Hard work? Yes. Risky? Maybe, but if you plan smartly, you can minimize a lot...
by Cady North, CFP®, RLP® | Sep 9, 2015 | Saving
A big problem I’ve observed is people keeping too much income in their checking account, earning next to nothing in interest. This creates a huge unnecessary drag on wealth building because: It prevents you from earning interest on these funds, and It makes it easier...
by Cady North, CFP®, RLP® | Sep 2, 2015 | Retirement
Many of the clients I work with are happy climbing the corporate ladder for now but would like to be able to “retire” early to work on their own projects and business ideas. I think we’d all like to set up some passive income streams to be able live a more flexible...