When you start a business, think about it like an experiment. You don’t have to commit and follow-through with something just because you started it, you can change your mind. Give yourself permission to stop doing things that aren’t working in your business. You must...
Here’s a scenario I see often. A client has a business idea. They think it’s a great idea but they haven’t done much, if any, customer development. Before they’ve even completed real market research to validate their idea, they’re thinking about color schemes...
About 20% of businesses fail in the first year, according to recent statistics from the Small Business Administration. Only about 50% survive after 5 years. The reason is not that people are incapable or decide they don’t like being business owners. The reason, I...
I hear this a lot: “I’d like to start a business one day, but I’m just not sure where to start – I don’t even have an idea.” If that’s you, you’re in good company — I find it’s a really common statement for my clients to make. Why start a business anyway?...
Last week, I attended a cybersecurity roundtable discussion organized by the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA). The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Treasury Department and the security teams...
If the answer to that question differs from how you're spending your time today, you should read this book. It offers a path to a more purposeful and fulfilling life through research and stories from real women who took steps to pursue their dreams. Each chapter has a workbook to help guide your self reflection.